Comply with the 48 hour rule

Intempus’ time registration system is an easy way to ensure compliance with the 48 hour rule.

Easy way to comply with the new legal requirements

+55.000 users bring Intempus to work every day

What is the 48 hour rule all about?

The 48-hour rule is a central part of the new legal requirements on working time registration.

According to the 48 hour rule, no employees are aloud to work more than 48 hours in one week calculated as an average in a period of four months – including overtime hours. Periods of paid holiday and periods of sick leave are not included in the calculation of the average.

What if you break the rule?

It is your responsibility as an employer to comply with the rule. If you break the 48-hour rule this means that the employee is entitled to compensation which is typically between DKK 25,000–50,000.

Get notified whenever the rule is broken

In the Intempus app, the employee can always see the average of their weekly working hours and be informed if their reported work exceeds the 48-hour rule.

The system will also highligt the perioden for which the rule has been broken.

Keep an overview of all the registrations

In Intempus’ administration system, the administrator can keep track of whether the employee’s reported working hours fall within the 48-hour rule.

As shown in the picture, the reports that lead to a breach of the rule will be marked in red.

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