Missing a flexible approval flow?

Make your approval flow flexible and efficient!

Get a smooth administration with a flexible approval flow

With Intempus’ flexible approval flow, your company can get a much easier process of approving hours and projects. With Intempus’ approval flow, you get rid of all the manual steps that are normally part of the process.

Approval in one place

With Intempus you design your own approval flow. This can improve your overview, and at the same time you ensure that everything is approved for invoicing and payment of salary.

Efficient approval process

With an approval flow that fits your business, the approval process becomes much faster and more efficient. The digital process eliminates time-consuming steps and saves you time and frustration.

Great flexibility

With Intempus you get great flexibility. It is entirely up to you how many approvers should be assigned to the individual employee or project. Set up your own flow so that the reports can be quickly invoiced.

Make the process easy for all approvers

There are often several approvers on a project, and therefore it can be very time-consuming if you have to physically get hold of approver after approver – who may even be sitting in different places – to ensure that all the paperwork is in order.

Intempus is a huge help when you have several approvers on a registration or project. Everything is collected digitally, and the approvers can approve the report as soon as it appears in the system.

That way, you can quickly get the report forwarded in the system – ready for payroll and invoicing.

Godkend nemt med godkender app'en

Approve registrations directly on the mobile phone

With the Approver App, you can easily approve registrations directly on your mobile. That way, you, as the approver, are always just a few clicks away from being able to approve the day’s work for your employees. Read more about the Intempus app and other functions that can make your working day easier.

+55.000 users bring Intempus to work every day

Get started with Intempus

Intempus can help you make both time registration and approval of reports significantly more manageable and easy. But Intempus can help you with more than just that. Intempus has a wide range of features – such as mileage registration, GPS tracking and time off – which can help you and facilitate the many administrative tasks that takes up valuable time every day.

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