Have you not introduced a time registration system in your company yet? According to a new law, all employees’ working hours must be recorded in a system that is objective, reliable and accessible, from 1 July 2024. Here, we share our top tips to ensure that the system becomes a resource for you.
The new legal requirements for time registration do not have to lead to a greater workload. In fact, it can become just the opposite. Because if you are aware of how you use the system most optimally and take advantage of the opportunities, the right solution can ease your overall administrative burden and save you many working hours and manual errors.
Here is our best advice to ensure that your digital time recording system is used to the best of its ability. This is our best advice to ensure that you make the best of your digital time registration system.
1. Start by choosing a solution that suits your needs
In order for both administrators and employees to get the most out of a digital time registration system, it is necessary that you – before choosing a system – consider what you need.
Are many of your employees e.g. white-collar workers who only have to register deviations from normal working hours? Do they have to report milage? Are they employed under different collective agreements that the system must be able to handle? And do you have a payroll and financial system that the time registration system has to integrate into?
In order to define needs, you can involve a selection of employees. This ensures that their needs are heard and that they they are less overwhelmed by having to switch to a new system later on.
2. Make time for a detailed onboarding session
The benefits of a time registration system are greatest if it is integrated in a good way into the employees’ working day. That’s why it is important to get off to a good start when you have to roll out the system in the company.
At Intempus, our skilled implementation consultants provide all new customers with an in-depth onboarding session, and if any questions occur later on, our support is ready to help all weekdays.
But you can also initiate some things internally in the company to ensure a successful implementation:
3. Use the data as a basis for invoicing
The hours recorded by employees can be used as a basis for invoicing customers. The Intempus app makes it easy for employees to register both hours, driving and expenses, so that the customer is invoiced correctly for the resources used on their project. The reported information can also serve as documentation if a disagreement or misunderstanding arises between you and the customer.
With an integration, your data from Intempus can be automatically transferred into your payroll and accounting system, so that the approved reports can be sent automatically or with a few clicks to payroll processing or invoicing. There is therefore plenty of time and manual steps to be saved when you have to invoice your customers.
4. Ensure that you comply with the working time directive
The right time registration system can help you ensure that you comply with working environment rules such as The 48-hour rule and the 11-hour rule. Violations can lead to fines for the employer and even worse, an unhealthy working environment, which is why it is important that you consider how you comply with them.
It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that the rules are complied with – even if your company has hundreds of employees, and it may seem overwhelming to have to go through all employees’ (over)working hours and rest periods.
But with a system like Intempus, you can easily get an overview of the reported working hours, while at the same time you can ensure that there is documentation that you comply with the rules.
5. Get an automated solution for salaried employees
Do you have employees with a fixed salary and fixed working hours? Then auto-registration from Intempus might be the right solution for you. With auto-registration, all the employees’ hours are registered automatically in the system. All they have to do themselves, is to register any deviations from this standard time, for example illness, vacation days, courses and the like.
At the same time, you ensure that you are on the right side of the new law on working time registration.
Curious to know more?
With Intempus, you get a tailored and digital solution for time registration that helps you keep track of working hours, absences, overtime, driving, expenses and much more.
If you want to learn more about how we can meet your specific requirements, try designing your own solution here:
You are also welcome to give us a call: +45 26390400.