Flex time – the new black?

Flex time is defined as a worktime agreement around flexible working hours that gives the individual employee the right to structure their own work time. Flex time normally entails that the employee has to register his working hours by using the workplace’s internal system for registering working time. 

There are a lot of things to consider about the concept. Here we give a concrete overview of flex time so you know how to deal with flex time agreements in the workplace either as an employee or as an administrator. 

What do you have to be aware of about flex time? 

Specific rules in every workplace

Flex time is different from workplace to workplace and therefore there are many different variations of flex time agreements. Flex time is not a right for every employee but is something that has to be made an agreement about between the employer and the employee. Most workplaces have their own flex time agreement and therefore, it is important to be aware of the specific agreement that is conducted at your workplace.  

Often, there are rules about how much plus or minus the employees’ account is allowed to be in. 

Flex time vs. fix time

A flex time arrangement can look in different ways. Some are very flexible, whereas others not so much. Many companies have a flex time framework that counts the time the employee has to distribute his working hours. You can also have a fix time framework that counts for a shorter time framework in which the employee is expected to work. 

Let’s take some examples of possible flex time agreements.

Example 1 – Flex time framework with a fixed fix time 

The company has a flex time framework between 6 am and 6 pm Monday to Friday. Here, the employee must have his working hours. Besides that, there is a fix time framework from 9 am and 3 pm, where the employee is expected to work.

Example 2 – A fixed working time with short flex before and after work

Another solution is that you as an employee have some fixed working hours, e.g. 8 am to 4 pm. If the employee starts working 1 hour earlier or prolongs his work 1 hour, the extra hour is added to the flex account. Similarly, if the employee starts working later, takes time off or leaves earlier, the hour is subtracted. With this solution it is only the first hour besides the working time that counts as flextime. Everything besides this counts as overwork.

Example 3 – Flex time based on daily standard hours

A third option could be that you have a daily norm of 7,4 hours which counts as a 37 hours full time week. If you work more than the daily standard hours, this is added to the employees flex account. If you work less, the hours are added in subtraction on the flex account. This type of arrangement is more flexible for the employee and therefore the company often puts a limit on how many flex hours the employee is allowed to be in plus or minus.

Flex time and overtime

How do you distinguish between flex time and overtime? Overtime can first start after the daily standard hours and must be commanded. The overtime hours can either be counted in the flex time records by being timed up with a factor so the overtime counts as more than by regular work. Or the overtime hours can be counted separately from the flex account and be paid outside of the regular payment.  

Which rules count for overtime depends on the contract, local agreement or other rules the workplace follows. Ask your employer or your union representative for more details about the overtime rules in your workplace. 

Keep track of working hours

If a flex time scheme is used, it is absolutely essential for both employee and employer that working hours can be registered easily and flexibly, so that hours can be easily kept track of. With a professional and digital time registration system, you as an employee and employer can easily keep track of flex time. With a time recording app, the employee gets the opportunity to record his working time on the mobile.

With Intempus’ time registration system, you get access to a flex balance that gives the employee the opportunity to keep an eye on whether the agreed number of working hours has been reached and whether there are hours for time off. The employer can also continuously monitor the employee’s reported flex hours, overtime, absence, driving, expenses, etc. in Intempus’ Administration, where the hours can be easily approved and transferred to the payroll and finance system. In this way, the entire administrative burden of the flex scheme is lifted for both employees and employer, and it makes it easy and digital to register work.

Would you like to hear more about how flex time can be handled easily and smartly with a digital time registration system? Then give us a call on +45 26390400 or book a free demo:

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