More accurate offers and less manual typing in NPC Malerfirma

NPC Malerfirma

René Lohpehre

Owner of NPC Malerfirma

Painting company in Kgs. Lyngby with 10-12 employees.

Clear, managble and digital administration

NPC Malerfirma ApS has been digital since its founding in 2005. Today they manage time registration and project management through user-friendly digital systems, which has reduces manual work and ensured proper documentation for the customer.

When René Lohpehre started as an independent painter in 2005, the vision for the administrative part of the company was clear. It had to be as electronically as possible. And it had to be continually made more efficient.

Two years later, René Lohpehre got his first employees. Suddenly there were more hours, invoices and payslips to keep track of. Therefore, they really needed a system for clear, easy and more automatic administration. That’s why he chose to upgrade his time and project management.

“The reason we choose to run time registration digitally is the amount of resources we save by doing so. I spend my time in a much more efficient way, since I am the one who takes care of the administration.” – René Lohpehre, Owner of NPC Malerfirma elaborates.

Easy documentation for the customer

“We have almost always operated with digital time registration in my company. It has either been by email, on the phone or via direct input into various project programs. We have never actually used physical time sheets,” owner René Lohpehre says.

When NPC Malerfirma started using e-conomic, René came across Intempus. Shortly after this, the the employees began to record their work while they were on the move.

“There are two reasons why I use mobile time registration. The first reason is that it is easy to document to the customer what you have spent your time on. The second reason is that it can save some of the time spent on administrative tasks,” René Lohpehre explains.

No need for manuel typing

Time is an important factor when you, as a business owner, have to handle many different tasks during a working day. Therefore, it makes a world of difference to René that the employees record their time on the go, rather than him entering the hours manually.

The employees have the responsibility

When the employees themselves are given the responsibility for making the time registration accurately, it results in fewer discussions when the salary is to be paid.

“If an error occurs in a report, it leads to less controversies than before, since it is now the employees who have entered the hours, rather than me. The responsibility for typing in their hours correctly are first and foremost theirs,” René Lohpehre says.

More accurate offers

A big part of the work in the painting industry relies on making offers. If you have no idea how many hours you spend on each individual task, according to René Lohpehre, providing the customer with an estimated price can easily be based on random, outdated assessments.

“Most of all, Intempus functions as an important, internal digital project management tool that provides a good overview of how many hours we spend on the individual cases. This makes it much easier to make accurate offers,” he concludes.

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