Easy holiday registration

Make the registration of vacation days easy with an intelligent time tracking application that keeps track of the vacation days and other absences.

Are you keeping track of the vacation days?

Holiday registration on app and web

With Intempus’ time tracking app, you have a user-friendly, digital tool for holiday registration – regardless of whether it’s paid holidays or not. In the app, you simply register a vacation day on the days you wish to spend your vacation. Holiday time can be easily registered before, during or after the holiday, as the app can always be accessed on the mobile.

The holiday overview is easily maintained, as the employee can always see his holiday balance in the app, and the administrator gets the big overview of all employees’ different holiday balances in the administration system.

+65.000 users already report their vacation days with Intempus

Easy holiday management year after year

With Intempus, absence manegement becomes easy and straight forward. This includes the employees’ paid holiday, absence with leave, days off, time off in lieu and other absences. This makes planning of the

Our system can be set up to handle the new Holiday Act so it becomes easier for both administrators and employees to maintain the overview all year around.

Quick and effective holiday registration

Keep an overview

‘Holiday’ can quickly become a heavy and messy administrative affair – and the new Holiday Act has certainly not made it easier. As the employees continuously accrue vacation days, they can also take the vacation days continuously.

It can therefore be challenging for both the administrator and the employee to keep track of how much holiday is left and how much the employees must take before the holiday year is over.

Fortunately, an intelligent time tracking tool like Intempus makes it easier for all parties.

Digital holiday planning

As an administrator, you can plan vacation days for your employees in the planning module. Here, you get the full overview of the employees’ planned holiday. At the same time, you can see the holiday reported and easily approve the employees’ holiday registration.

When you plan a holiday, the activity will be available as a reporting proposal in the employee’s app. The employee can then either choose to approve the proposal or make a new report.

Easy approval of holidays and days off

The employees can easily report their holidays and days off directly on the app either before or after the event. When the days have been reported, they go directly into the administration system, where they are ready for approval.

Here, as an administrator, you will be able to check whether the holiday registrations agree with the planned activities, and then approve one, several or all reports at the same time.

Holiday registration that automatically appears on the paycheck

Connect Intempus with your payroll system, so that you are always sure that everything necessary is transferred to the payslip.

Regardless of whether the employee has registered an earned or self-paid holiday, it will also be registered in the payroll system. The self-paid holiday will of course appear in the salary total, so that the employee can always see the salary basis month by month.

Are you on top with the New Holiday Act ?

With the new Holiday Act, employees earn 2.08 holiday days per month. It can therefore quickly become difficult to calculate how many vacation days you have available when you decide to take a holiday. When the holiday has been taken, the vacation days must be deducted from the holiday accounts, so that both employee and company have control over how much holiday is left. Therefore, keeping track with the vacation days in the company can quickly become a messy process. Get to know the rules for the new Holiday Act here.

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