Easy time registration on app

See our app features in the interactive mobile phone

Time registRATION

Registration of time, project work and overtime

Absence registration

Easy registration of all types of absences

Registration of machines and products

Registration of machines and products directly on projects

Weekly report

Register the entire week all at once

Balance overview

Easy overview of holidays, time off and sick leave

Auto registration

Automatic registration of the working day

Registration of Mileage

Register mileage with your own car or company car

expenses and diets

Add images and files and record your expenses and diets

Everyone must report working hourswe can make it easy for you!

It is now mandatory for all companies to get a time registration system for recording working hours. With an easy and tailored solution from Intempus, you ensure that you comply with all the requirements.

+65.000 users bring Intempus to work every day

Easy administration 

Regardless of which type of time registration your company needs, the administration is done through the same administration module.

Your administration will be tailored to your specific needs, so you only need to deal with the features that are relevant to your company. We can set up collective agreements, approval flow, the 60-days rule and more.

Intempus connects your systems

Connect Intempus with Outlook

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