Get an overview of the working hours in your transportation company
Do you want to make it easier for your drivers to register working hours? And easier for you as an administrator to manage reported work? With Intempus’ many features, your administrative work becomes easy, reliable and effective for all employees.
Get a mobile system to keep track of employee work time on the road
Digital time registration
Make it easy for drivers to register work time, resting time and tasks on the road with Intempus’ user-friendly time tracking app.
This is how your transportation company can save time
Register work time, resting time and tasks
Intempus can much more than time registration. It is an indispensable tool for a modern and easy administration.
With Intempus’ App by the hand, employees can register their work time while being on the road. They can simply register when and how much they have worked – and at the same time keep track of how much they have worked per week, month or quarter.
As an administrator you can maintain the overview of who has worked how much and when. That way you can maintain the full overview of work time for employees individually and collectively.
Easy payroll and fast invoicing
Once your employees have reported their work day with all it entails, you are ready to approve the reports and send the data to your salary – and invoicing system.
You can connect your administration with integration to your salary – and accounting system that makes administrative tasks even easier and more secure.
Does it sound like the system could help your business? Feel free to design your own solution here.
Better overview for your transportation company
Follow your employees throughout the work day with GPS-tracking
With GPS-tracking you can always keep track on where your employees are on the road.
With Intempus’ geotracking you can follow the employees live on a map, which give you the opportunity to delegate incoming tasks based on the employees’ location.
Just like all other Intempus data, you have the opportunity to go back in the history of the GPS data if you need to document or validate locations. This way you can secure the data from misunderstandings or doubts.